Dangers in your accommodation are not just insects that disturb you, such as termites, dust mites, or cockroaches. There is also another type of annoying bed bug. Bed bugs are insects that are about 1-7 millimeters in size, or the size of a watermelon seed, brownred in color and wingless. They can live for up to 5 months. Don’t think that bed bugs are harmless because bed bugs like to suck human blood.

And if you have pets in your home, you are at risk of being bitten by bed bugs as well. Normally, not bite cats or dogs. But if the number increases significantly, pets may also fall victim to them. Bed bug bites affect different people. Some people may not even notice they are bitten, while others may develop an allergic reaction that results in large, red, swollen bumps.
Bed bug bites can itch for up to two weeks. The more bed bugs in a bedroom and mattress, the more bites there are over a larger area. Because are so small ทางเข้า ufabet, they can hide in many different places. They can also reproduce very quickly. A single female bed bug can multiply into dozens of them in just a few weeks. Bed Bugs are harmless insects. The redness and symptoms from bitten will disappear within 1-2 weeks without treatment. They are not contagious to others.
However, if there is severe itching, you may use a cold compress or apply baking soda mixed with water to the bitten area to reduce itching and prevent scratching until it becomes a wound. If the itching does not go away or there is an allergic reaction and burning sensation, you may need to apply anti-itch medication or take antihistamines. In cases of infection, you may need to use a cream or lotion that contains an antibiotic.